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Apache Rewrite Engine and FrontPage

1. Pro

You can use the Apache Rewrite engine with FrontPage Server Extensions.

2. Con

After you made the required modifications (see below), no FrontPage user will be able to create a new subweb on demand.

They must first create the subweb; they will get an error message.

Then you will have to update the .htaccess files (see below) in the new subweb before FrontPage Explorer can talk to the new subweb.


A.  Modify the root web .htaccess file with notepad or another text editor; FTP is done in ASCII mode in all cases.


RewriteEngine On
Options FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /

# redirect abc.com to www.xyz.com/abc/
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} abc.com [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !abc/ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ abc/$1 [L]


[NC] means no case sensitivity

[L] means the last rule in the set

B. For each subweb, modify the .htaccess file in the following directories:

  1. Subweb itself
  2.  _vti_bin directory within the subweb
  3.  _vti_adm directory within the _vti_bin directory
  4.  _vti_aut directory within the _vti_bin directory

The modification to make is to change

Options None


Options +FollowSymlinks

If there is no "Options" line in the .htaccess files mentioned in step B, then add the line after the ignore line (which is usually towards the very top).

Helpful Resources:
  Apache Mod Rewrite
  Apache Rewriting Guide

Peter Abraham

Direct Email Marketing with Constant Contact

Dynamic Net, Inc.

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Last updated: Thursday November 16, 2006 18:22 -0500