The following are answers to common questions in the Microsoft FrontPage Client Newsgroup: Here are the methods you can use to have the results of a form emailed to you instead of being saved to your web: Method 1 - Use the Form to EMail FP 98 Feature or MailTo TagFollow the steps in How to Set Up a Form to Post Results by E-mail If you don't like reading the encoded characters that come back when you use this tag, then get MailTo Formatter for Windows 95 or MailTo Formatter for Windows 3.xx Important Note There are several browsers (including Internet Explorer 1.0 through 3.0) that do not support the mailto tag for filling out forms. The result is the end-user (browser) will pop up their email program with only the "TO:" part filled in. This usually leaves the end-user frustrated because they spent time filling out the form. Method 2 - Use JavaMethod 3 - Use CGIThe following CGI Programs can be used to send the results of a form by email: FormMail
by Matt Wright Note: We can write custom CGI scripts to meet your specific needs. An example might be a CGI script that sends you email as well as appending the results to a HTML form or a comma-delimited database. Other Resources |